Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Pope and a Priest with a Mother-in-law

Fr. Tom McMichael, husband, father and priest

A Pope and a Priest with a Mother-in-law
February 5, 2012, 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Job 7:1-4, 6-7   I Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23    Mk 1:29-39

Alleluia, alleluia.
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke
Glory to you, Lord.

On leaving the synagogue Jesus went to Peter’s home, and there he saw Peter’s mother-in-law sick in bed with a fever. When He heard she was sick, He went to her bedside, grasped her hand and helped her up.  The fever immediately left her and she began to serve lunch.

By sunset the courtyard was packed with people who were sick and possessed by demons, who were brought to Him for healing. A huge crowd from Capernaum gathered around to watch.  He healed many of the sick and drove out many demons. (But He refused to allow the demons to speak, for they knew perfectly well who He was.)

Jesus rose very early the next morning and went off by Himself into the wilderness to pray. Later on Simon and the others went looking for Him.  Finding Him they said, “Everybody is asking for you.” He said to them, “We must go to other towns as well and preach the good news there also, for that is why I came.” So He traveled throughout the province of Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and driving out demons.

The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
A super event: a nesting robin
Here it is February 5 --the first Sunday of the second month of the new year. Robins have already arrived here in southern Texas. They will pause here a few days before continuing their journey north. By early March they will arrive in Wisconsin. After building their nests according to an eternal blue-print, marvelously imprinted within them, they lay their nifty blue eggs in very fluffy nests made from nature’s scraps. And when a late spring snowstorm strikes, mother robin protects her eggs or newly hatched chicks with her extended wings. For some the yearly return of robins with their nesting routine is a super event to behold. For some it even beats Super Bowl XLVI which takes place today.

A full day in the life of Jesus
St. Mark’s gospel (written before the others – sometime between 66 and 70 AD.) is the shortest of the four gospels. It is fast-moving and begins not with Jesus’ birth as a babe in Bethlehem (as Matthew and Luke’s gospel begin) but with Jesus’ baptism as an adult. The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is related in this first chapter of Mark, while it is found much later in chapter four of Luke and chapter eight of Matthew.

Early one Sabbath Jesus and his disciples went to the synagogue in Capernaum, where He taught with the ring of authority and not as the scribes. There He drove out a demon from a possessed man. Then He and his disciples left the synagogue around noon and went to Peter’s home nearby for lunch. Peter’s mother-in-law, however, was sick in bed with a high fever, and was in no condition to serve a meal. After Jesus commanded the fever to leave Peter’s mother-in-law, the happily healed woman got up and immediately served them lunch.

At sundown, however, the day was not yet over. Since healing on the Sabbath was forbidden by the Law, the townspeople had to wait till sundown (when the Sabbath ended) before bringing their sick and possessed to Jesus for healing. By nightfall, Jesus had put in a really full day, and He was exhausted. He who had no pillow of his own upon which to rest his head (Lk 9:58) found one that night in Peter’s house, where at long last He fell into a deep but short sleep. He rose early the next morning to find a place where He could be alone and pray, and make some sense out of his very busy life.

A full day in many people’s lives
For the sake of their families, people rise at early dawn to go to work. After a busy day at work, they wearily rush home on crowded city streets or express-ways, to replenish themselves with family, food and sleep. At home they might find a sick family member who needs attention, or a nagging problem waiting to be solved, or an unexpected eventuality to be dealt with. Early the next day they rise to start the round all over again. Some, exhausted like Jesus, seek a place where they can be alone and pray, in order to make some sense out of the race which daily they’re forced to run. The race becomes even more stressful in economically depressed times. The gospel account of a full day in the life of Jesus resonates well with a full day in many peoples’ lives.

A pope with a mother-in-law
The gospel relates that Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law.  Peter (the man who in Catholic tradition is considered to be the first pope) had a mother-in-law. In order to have a mother-in-law Peter had to have a wife. The first pope not only had a mother-in-law, he also had a wife! That, indeed, sounds strange to some Catholic ears. For some it even sounds irreverent or blasphemous. It shouldn’t sound irreverent or blasphemous.  Peter and the other apostles were real people with wives, mother-in-laws, kids, and family dogs and cats. The fact that Peter, the first pope, was a married man with a family immediately dismisses any claim that celibacy is a strict theological requirement for ministry in the Church.[1]

A priest with a mother-in-law
In November of 2005, Pastor McMichael, a married man with two sons (19 and 21), who served in Lutheran churches in Washington and Oregon for two decades, informed his Lutheran congregation that he was resigning to become a Catholic. He took that bold step without any assurance he would be able to continue his clerical calling which he greatly cherished. He later remarked, "Perhaps the most difficult part of this was giving that up, and not being sure if I would be able to continue [to minister]. There was no guarantee that this door would open." That door, indeed, did open. McMichael finally got word that the Vatican approved his ordination to the priesthood, after a three-year process of tests and interviews.

With his wife of 23 years and his two sons at his side, Tom McMichael was ordained a priest on January 10, 2009, in St. James Cathedral, making him the first married priest in the Seattle Archdiocese. Father McMichael, who doesn't want to be a poster child for the married priesthood, is careful to tell us, “This is not the first step into married clergy." He makes it a point to emphasize that he's simply “an exception to the celibacy rule.”

On Jan. 11, Father McMichael celebrated his first Mass at Assumption Church in Bellingham, WA -- a parish which is a rainbow of ethnic groups, income levels and theological viewpoints. After Mass he stood in front of the altar, and the diverse congregation was united as it clapped its hands in heartfelt acceptance and blessing.
Some Catholics might find it hard to interiorize the idea of a married pope or a married priest. Many of us remember the not-very-long-distant past when we found it very difficult to interiorize married deacons who could baptize our children, or lay people (male or female!) who could be ministers of the Eucharist. More importantly, we recall now how easily and how quickly most of us have weathered those storms – those ‘tea-pot-tempests.’

It is not possible.
The ordination of McMichael, husband and father, took place in 2009. Sixteen years before, in 1993, Archbishop Rembert Weakland OSB of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee went to Rome for his ad limina[2] visit to the Pope. Two years before in 1991, Archbp. Weakland, wishing to address the problem of priest-shortage afflicting his archdiocese and the Church at large, wrote a pastoral letter to his archdiocese. In it he courageously wrote:

If it became evident that no resident priest would be available for a parish, and that there was no prospect of getting one in the near future, I would be willing to help the community surface a qualified candidate for ordination to the priesthood – even if a married man - and without raising false expectations or unfounded hope for him or the community, present such a candidate to the Pastor of the Universal Church [the Pope] for light and guidance. (Catholic Herald, January 10, 1991) 

On the occasion of Weakland’s 1993 ad limina visit, a letter was hand-delivered to him from the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. The letter scolded Rembert for suggesting that the Church should ordain married men to solve its critical shortage of priests. The letter made it clear to Weakland that “Among the requirements of Catholic unity there is the need [for you Rembert Weakland] to accept the tradition of the Church. According to ecclesial practice, reinforced by a Synod of Bishops, it is not possible to present married men for ordination to the priesthood.”

It is possible.
That was in 1993. Sixteen years later, strange to say, it suddenly is possible to present married men for ordination to the priesthood! On January 10, 2009, Tom McMichael, husband and father of two, was ordained a priest!

The voice of the people
An old dictum says Vox populi – vox Dei – “The voice of the people – the voice of God.” Both truth and untruth lurk in every proverb, and this one is no exception. We remember, because we cannot forget, that the voice of the people in Germany shouted “Heil Hitler.” That could hardly have been the voice of God, as the Nazi proceeded to put to death six million Jews. At most and at best, Vox populi – vox Dei means that sometimes in the voice of the people there is, indeed, an echo of the voice of God, and we must discern and heed it.

The voice of one of God’s people reacting to the ordination of Tom McMichael (husband and father) said,

This is a good thing. It’s a start and a good argument for ending the celibacy rule. Suppressing one’s natural sexual tendencies is not healthy, and it leads to evil acts committed against children. Only the Roman Church has a celibate priesthood, and it’s time to stop.

Another voice said,

I don’t see the Church surviving without changing her ways. There are places where one priest has to drive 50 miles to serve 4 or more churches on a typical weekend where there used to be at least 3 full-time priests. It is not possible to get the spiritual support you need in these conditions.

Still another voice said,

The first married priest in the Archdiocese of Seattle and one of only about 100 in the whole US – I never thought I’d see the day!  Like Obama’s inauguration which gave me hope for our nation, I have great hope again for the Church. Change comes slowly, painfully slow for many, including myself, but change is happening, has happened and I couldn’t be prouder.

No such thing as married or unmarried
After his first Mass Father McMichael stood in front of the altar and before a congregation which was a rainbow of ethnic groups, income level and theological viewpoints. Despite that great diversity, the whole congregation broke out into a resounding applause, clapping its hands in heartfelt acceptance and blessing. That congregation had Paul’s word to the Galatians ringing in its ears: “There is no such thing as Jew or Greek, slave and freeman, male and female, [married and unmarried], but all of you are one in Christ Jesus. (Gal 3:28)

[1] The merit of celibacy as a disciplinary requirement is another question.
[2] Ad limina is Latin for “To the threshold” Every five years a bishop must  make a visit to the Pope’s threshold  to give a report about his diocese .